
  1. play: boolean = false required
  2. pause: boolean = false
  3. keyframes: Array<string> | Array<Object> required
  4. duration: number = 0.3
  5. delay: number
  6. iterationCount: string | number = 'none'
  7. direction: 'normal' | 'reverse' | 'alternate' | 'alternate-reverse' = 'normal'
  8. fillMode: 'none' | 'forwards' | 'backwards' | 'both' = 'none'
  9. render: Function
  10. easeType: string = 'linear'
  11. Following props are used by <AnimateGroup />

  12. sequenceIndex: number
  13. sequenceId: string | number
  14. overlay: number

<AnimateKeyframes /> is implemented according to CSS animation specification. It's best to use for infinite animation, or animation which can be paused and resumed.


The following example will animate the component to move at X coordinate 3 times.

import React from 'react';
import { AnimateKeyframes }  from 'react-simple-animate';
import YourComponent from './YourComponent';

export default ({ play }) => (
      'transform: translateY(0)',
      'transform: translateY(10px)',
    <YourComponent />


  • play: boolean = false required

    Defaults to false, set to true to start the animation, if set play as true as default prop, then the animation will play right after componentDidMount

  • pause: boolean = false

    An animation is running or paused: animation-play-state

  • keyframes: Array<string> | Array<Object> required

    Array of styles in string.

      keyframes={['opacity: 0', 'opacity: 1']} // same as CSS @keyframes { 0% { ... } 100% { ... }}
      <Component />

    Array of Object with key pair of percentage and style.

        { 0: 'opacity: 0' }, // 0%
        { 50: 'opacity: 0.5' }, // 50%
        { 100: 'opacity: 1' } // 100%
      <Component />
  • duration: number = 0.3

    How long the animation takes in seconds.

  • delay: number

    How much delay should apply before animation starts: animation-delay

  • iterationCount: string | number = 'none'

    Whether an animation should play forwards, backwards, or alternating back and forth: animation-direction

  • direction: 'normal' | 'reverse' | 'alternate' | 'alternate-reverse' = 'normal'

    Animation applies styles to target before and after execution: animation-play-state

  • fillMode: 'none' | 'forwards' | 'backwards' | 'both' = 'none'

    Animation applies styles to target before and after execution: animation-play-state

  • render: Function

    This is a Render props function, which is useful for render animation component without any div or span wrapper.

      keyframes={['opacity: 0', 'opacity: 1']} // same as CSS @keyframes { 0% { ... } 100% { ... }}
      render={({ style }) => (
        <Component style={ style } />
  • easeType: string = 'linear'

    Easing type refer to

  • sequenceIndex: number

    This props is used by <AnimationGroup/>, which provides unique array index to associate with <AnimationGroup/> sequences.

  • sequenceId: string | number

    This props is used by <AnimationGroup/>, which provides unique id to associate with <AnimationGroup/> sequences.

  • overlay: number

    This props is used by <AnimationGroup/>, When animation need to play ahead, which overlay on top of the previous animation by seconds.